Wednesday, December 31, 2014

• Happy New Year •

I hope as you look back on 2014 you remember all the good it brought, the lessons it taught, and the hard times that made you stronger as a person. Now, as you look forward to 2015, I hope you just remember to be PRESENT. And say yes to every amazing opportunity that comes your way no matter how intimidating it may seem. Every day we learn that life is too short and if you're not living it then what's the point? Love others, but most importantly don't forget to love yourself. I hope 2015 brings adventure to your life and opportunities you never thought possible. I hope it brings you closer to someone you thought you'd never speak to again, or maybe eases your heart of letting go of those who don't need to be there anymore. I hope you realize something you never knew before. I hope you find a happiness like no other in a new way. Lastly, I hope you take this fresh start and have the time of your life. God bless ~ Happy New Year