Saturday, August 29, 2015

GNI- Girls Night In

Let's face it, from time to time us girls can use a girls night in. Now don't get me wrong, I love a good girls night out but most of the time I'd rather stay in with my girlfriends and watch some really good movies. Of course that, and some food that's no good for us will definitely do the trick! There could be a reason for the GNI; a fight with a bf, broke up with your bf, stress, something you wanted didn't go your way, or whatever it may be. Either way, call your best girl friends and have a nice night enjoying each others company while stuffing your faces! I love my girls, I honestly got blessed with them. When I'm in town, we do these girls nights quite often. We usually end up talking about our problems, talking about boys, or school, we might (guiltily) stalk some of our ex's. Now, let's get into some of the things you should or could do at a GNI! First, you're gonna need all your favorite junk food that's for sure! Then, grab your favorite romantic comedies (I'll list mine below). While you're watching these movies you could easily paint your nails, do each other's makeup (I promise girls do this for no reason) or even make at home face masks and wear them while you laugh your asses off at Bridesmaids. You even can make a few DIY projects (pinterest is your go to). Or if you and your friends are into the same TV shows you can just catch up on recent episodes thru Netflix or Hulu. Whatever it is that you and your friends may be into, never miss the opportunity for a good girls night in. Your friends are a big part of who you are, so take the time to catch up and do all your favorite activities together. Never forget to appreciate those moments you have with them. Trust me, one day you'll be telling your children about the time you laughed your butt off with your best friend and that one day you hope they find some forever friends like you did.

Now here are some of MY favorite Romantic Comedies:


I promise I could name a billion more but these are some of my top favorites. So if you happen to watch any of these for the first time let me know which one is your favorite or just what you think of it!

Until next time, xoxo
- Z

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