Friday, August 28, 2015

Let's Start Over

Well hello there! It's been a hot minute since my last post, just four months shy of a year. Man has a lot happened since the last time I've been on here writing. Not going to lie, I miss posting on my blog. I get to write everything I'm thinking, into, or wearing, and just put it out there for the world to read and let it all be released. But since it's been a while I'll slowly fill you in on what's happened since my last outfit of the day. As I look back on older post I realized I never really talked about my life in depth. But I recall writing plenty of drafts that never saw the published light of day on my page. I guess I just felt like my life was too boring but my interest were more fascinating, at least to me. So I jumped straight into what I was wearing as my first few blog post. Don't worry, an in depth post about myself is coming, I'm more just trying to find the right words to make myself seem more interesting than I feel I really am. But for now, we'll stick with a nice catch up post of over the last 9 months.

If I had to sum up how 2015 has been so far, I'd definitely say it's been a string of up's and down's. This year pretty much put me to the test of who I am as a person and the things/people I put value on. This test for sure hasn't been easy, but I'm thankful for it because I got to weed out a lot of unnecessary things in my life. First, was people, then old habits of how I dealt with certain situations. Not only did I see the true colors of those around me but also some true colors in myself. So the shorten version of that, some people had to go. I also lost a very special someone. They were taken away from my family way to soon and unexpected. But I'm slowly adjusting to life without them. Losing someone so close to you can hurt like hell, I've learned from experience and apparently so did a lot of people I care about. Not only did I lose one of the most important women in my life, I had a few friends lose some pretty incredible people as well. So if you're reading this and you've lost someone, I feel and understand your pain. I know those thoughts that run thru your head, or those overwhelming emotions that can't help but take over. I get it, I get it all. But what helped me thru it all was the amazing support system I have. It's not a big one but it's more than enough for me. I guess it's cause I realized I wasn't the only one going thru it. Knowing I wasn't alone brought a sense of comfort. It also really bonded a lot of my family. Now moving on, I hit some educational speed bumps along the way too. So for those in college and it's taking a little bit for you to get on your feet getting your degree, I FEEL YA TOO! Some words of encouragement, you'll get there. It may not be when or how you pictured it but eventually you will.

As this year is coming to a quick end, I PROMISE to post more. Like I said, I miss blogging and I really want to get back into it. I'm going to be traveling a little bit more so I can't wait to write about that. Plus, some really exciting things are going to be happening for some real special people and I can't wait to witness and be apart of it. Thank you for reading my ridiculously long post and check back within the next week for some new content.

- Z.

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